Contoh Text Narrative Bahasa Inggris

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Apa Itu Narrative Text?

Narrative text atau teks naratif adalah salah satu jenis teks dalam bahasa Inggris yang menceritakan sebuah cerita atau kejadian dengan urutan waktu yang jelas. Teks ini sering digunakan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk melatih keterampilan menulis dan membaca. Narrative text biasanya terdiri dari orientation, complication, sequence of events, resolution, dan reorientation.

Karakteristik Narrative Text

Ada beberapa karakteristik yang harus ada dalam sebuah narrative text, seperti adanya tokoh, setting, plot, dan konflik. Tokoh dalam narrative text biasanya terdiri dari tokoh utama dan tokoh pendukung. Setting adalah tempat dan waktu cerita berlangsung, sedangkan plot adalah alur cerita yang mengikuti urutan waktu.

Contoh Text Narrative Bahasa Inggris

Berikut adalah contoh narrative text dalam bahasa Inggris:

My First Day at School

When I was six years old, I had my first day at school. I was so excited but also nervous at the same time. I woke up early in the morning, put on my new school uniform, and had breakfast with my family. My parents walked me to school and I felt a mixture of fear and excitement as we approached the school gate.

As soon as I entered the classroom, I saw a lot of other kids my age. Some were crying, some were laughing, and some were just looking around in confusion. The teacher introduced herself and welcomed us all to the class. She asked us to sit in a circle and share our names and something interesting about ourselves.

Baca Juga  Motivasi Sekolah: Kunci Kesuksesan dalam Belajar

After the introductions, the teacher started the first lesson. She taught us how to write the alphabet and do simple math problems. I was so eager to learn that I raised my hand every time she asked a question. I made some new friends during the break time and we played together in the school playground.

At the end of the day, my parents came to pick me up. I was so happy to see them and couldn’t wait to tell them about my first day at school. I felt proud of myself for being brave and making new friends. That day, I realized that school was not as scary as I thought it would be.


Demikianlah contoh text narrative bahasa Inggris yang dapat dijadikan referensi untuk belajar menulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Dengan memahami struktur dan karakteristik narrative text, diharapkan pembelajar dapat meningkatkan keterampilan menulis dan membaca dalam bahasa Inggris. Selamat belajar!